Creative Consulting
Creative Consulting brings innovation, inspiration, and clarity
Creative Consulting can provide a professional review of your direct mail creative solutions prior to production and mailing. Having a fresh, experienced set of eyes interpret the copy platform and assess how design communicates that platform can reveal areas in need of fine tuning. It can also eliminate glaring errors in messaging that your creative team was simply “to close” to see.
Incorporated at the onset of a project, my Creative Consulting can help overcome writers block, avoid disconnected design, and ensure on-strategy messaging by defining style, theme, tone, voice, and graphic characteristics are consistent and on target
Creative Copy Consulting to ensure your “copy remains king”
Most seasoned direct marketers subscribe to the phrase that in direct mail, “Copy is King.” This phrase arose from decades of testing that reveled response and conversion rates can be dramatically affected by a change in copywriting. I review and edit copywriting while focused on:
“How quickly is the offer revealed.? Was it clear? Will the reader be attracted? Engaged? Assured, compelled or even excited to take action? How will reading the copy make the prospect feel? (Liked? Respected? Bamboozled?) In short, will the copywriting positively “connect” with the target demographics.
Art Direction that ensures the creative “tail doesn’t wag the dog”
This cliché saying really does describe the most common mistake in direct mail design: letting creativity overpower message clarity. My Creative Consulting and Art Direction considers the message-value and appropriateness of all visual elements. This includes typography, color palette, photo and graphic styles, and visual prominence — the order in which elements will most probably be noticed and understood.
Contact KROHA today —
benefit from strategy-focused Creative Consulting!
Case Study :001
COX Communications
Case Study :002
Disney Books by Mail
Case Study :003
CIGNA Healthcare
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of my direct mail campaigns”
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“Call me to discuss
your next ‘control-beating’
direct mail strategy!”
Studio at River Highlands
13 Priorwood Gardens
Cromwell CT 06416
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